Friday, June 21, 2013

RS Luncheon Reminder

This is just a quick reminder that the Relief Society luncheon will be tomorrow, Saturday June 22 in our regular church building. It will be from 11am-1pm. If you signed up to bring food, you should receive an email with more instructions. 

Please come! It's going to be a great time! 

P.S. If you take pictures, please send them to me (Ashleigh Davidson) at, so I can put them up here on the blog! 

Sunday Lesson Recap

Hello sisters! I know this is coming out a bit late, but that's better than never, right? 

Here is a brief overview of what Lynelle taught during the Relief Society lesson. If you have any thoughts to share, please leave them in the comments! 

Lesson: Sacred Family Relationships

Lynelle gave us a great lesson on our sacred family relationships. We discussed how family traditions can help make our families sacred. Nothing can generate as much joy and refinement as a sacred family relationship. A marriage is considered a pearl beyond price. We can demonstrate this by giving expressions of love and by doing small things for each other. Faith in Christ can help strengthen our marriage and get us through trials. Repentance helps to restore harmony and peace in marriage. We can show respect by treating each other like we are on the same team.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

June's Visiting Teaching

It's June! That means there's a new visiting teaching message for the month. You can find the message here, or in your Ensign. The message is titled "Joy in Family History". 

Don't forget to report to your visiting teaching to your leader once you have it done! 

Weekly Wrap-up

Sisters, I am so sorry for the long delay in posting. May turned out to be a crazy month, but now that things have settled down, you can expect more posts. 

Here's what's been going on in the ward lately: 

We've had a few new families move into the ward. Welcome to all the new sisters! We look forward to having you here and getting to know you. 

Last week we had the Goodbye Mottishaw's picnic. The Ashby's did a great job of putting it together (thank you Holly!), even though it is bittersweet to say goodbye. If you did not get a chance to sign the book for the Mottishaw's, please contact Holly. Also, if you took pictures at the picnic and would like have them posted on the blog, please send them to me ( 

We have a ward service activity coming up! Stay tuned for more details, but I believe it will be happening sometime in June. 

Carlie Bond is looking for clients for her dental hygiene program. If you'd like your teeth cleaned, contact her for more details. 

Note that our regular classes (yoga, book club, craft group, and cooking club) will be taking a summer hiatus. By the sounds if it, though, there will be many activities during the summer, so stay tuned!

Brooke Davies gave a great Relief Society lesson on Sunday. Titled ' “Cleave unto the Covenants”: Exodus, Migration, and Settlement', you can read it online here, or in Daughters in My Kingdom. Thank you Brooke for your time and for bringing such a sweet spirit into that lesson. 

If you have something you'd like to share on the blog, please contact me, Ashleigh Davidson, at