This weeks lesson comes from the Teaching of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith. Chapter 20: Love and Concern for All Our Father’s Children.
Follow the link to read the Lesson:
Allie Hales began her lesson by sharing an article written by a non-LDS writer who came to visit BYU, The article is called “The Trick to Being More Virtuous” and can be found at The writer talks about how a BYU briefcase had a major effect on his behavior. “I found that I was acting more cheerfully and courteously than I ordinarily would… I was unconsciously trying to live up to the high standards of Mormon kindness, or at least not besmirch that well earned reputation.” The writer continues to talk about moral elevation and the trick to being more virtuous.
So thinking about this experience the non-member had trying to represent Mormon kindness, why do you think Mormons are so kind and so helpful?
Some answers from comments in class:
- To love others is the second great commandment. and we try to live our commandments
- We have our Prophet Thomas S. Monson’s example and counsel which centers around service and love for others
- We have Christ as our Ultimate example, and He is the greatest example of service
- Members have a unique perspective. We believe we use to all live together before, and we are all brothers and sisters.
Following the story and discussion we went on to talk about the following from teachings of Joseph Fielding Smith.
- With the Knowledge that God is the Father of all People, we Desire to Love and Bless others
- “I think if all men knew and understood who they are, and were aware of the divine source from whence they came, and of the infinite potential that is part of their inheritance, they would have feelings of kindness and kinship for each other that would change their whole way of living and bring peace on earth.”
- How has this knowledge changed you and how you act?
- As we Love and Support One Another in the Church, We Become a Power in the World for Good
- Matt 5:16 “Let your Light so Shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven”
- “We have not reached a condition of perfection yet, it is hardly to be expected that we will in this life, and yet, through the aid of the Holy Ghost, it is possible for us to stand united together seeing eye to eye and overcoming our sins and imperfections. If we will do this, respecting all the commandments of the Lord, we shall be a power in the world for good”
- How can we become a power for good in the world?
- We Express Love for our Fellowmen by Serving Them
- “Our mission is to all the world—for the peace, and hope, and happiness, and temporal and eternal salvation of all of our Father’s children. … With all my powers of persuasion I urge this people to continue to reach out and bless the lives of all our Father’s children everywhere.”
- How can we serve others?
- We Need to Appreciate and Love People for Themselves
- Junie The Horse. Junie was stubborn and would out-smart Joseph Fielding by letting herself out of her stall. However the horse was reliable and dependable and took Joseph Fielding’s mother where she needed to go every time.
- “She was a wonderful horse with only a couple of bad habits. People are a lot the same way. None of us is perfect; yet each of us is trying to become perfect, even as our Father in heaven. We need to appreciate and love people for themselves.”
- Can you remember the time you felt unconditional love? How did you feel?
- When we Love The Lord With all our Hearts and our Neighbors as Ourselves, we are in Harmony with all Sacred Law
- Matthew 22: 37-40
- “ If we love the Lord with all the heart, with all the soul, and with all the mind, and our neighbors as ourselves, then there is nothing more to be desired. Then we will be in harmony with the total of sacred law.”
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